Friday 25 November 2016

The US Presidential Election- Social Media In The News

Throughout the entire Presidential Election of 2016, social media played major parts in how certain aspects of the news was portrayed, and how we all as a society acted upon what was being fed to us by the news and social websites.

News reports and the candidates of the Election brought uproars of mass arguments during the debates, and many shared their views of the situations that were unfolding in front of us.

On twitter, I noticed that a lot of my mutual followers are in fact from America, and so a lot of the time my news feed was a mess of memes, updates, reports and back-lashings against the candidates; mostly Donald Trump.

Here are just three of the many articles referring to just how social media portrayed its own views about the US Election:

I noticed that while there were some articles on twitter being posted and re-tweeted that were for Trump, many that popped up on my news feed were against.
Related image
One of the many Donald Trump memes on twitter
Which, comes down to those I follow.
Social media has both negatives and positives when regarding how the portray things within the news, and will always have a say; whether you agree or not.


  1. the social media is really important today

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In a strange way social media played something of a humanitarian role through the election, whether this is a good thing, who knows? I suppose it leaves a lot of room for agenda setting and creating bias from individuals and organisations too. An interesting affair fosho!
